Weather Forecast
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Today's weather
Mostly sunny
Rising air pressure and dry air masses will ensure a significant improvement in the weather. The sun is shining widely in South Tyrol. A few cumuliform clouds will develop in the afternoon, but they will be mostly harmless. High temperatures between 13° in Sterzing and 20° in Bolzano.
Mostly sunny mountain weather
Rising air pressure and dry air masses will ensure a significant improvement in the weather. Widespread sunshine on the mountains, partly denser clouds directly on the main Alpine ridge. Otherwise, visibility will be very good and the cumuliform clouds in the afternoon will remain mostly harmless.
Tomorrow's weather
Changeable conditions
Western currents will bring humid air masses to the Alps. Saturday will begin with high fog in some valleys. As the day progresses, some denser clouds will move through from the west, obscuring the sun at times. High temperatures between 13° and 18°.
Changeable conditions
Western currents will bring humid air masses to the Alps. On the mountains, some clouds ensure changing visibility conditions. In between, however, there are a few sunny spells.